The state of California defines elder abandonment as the purposeful desertion of an elderly person by someone caring for that person. Any person who has care or custody of any elderly person is subject.
Abandonment can involve a family member or a paid caregiver. Abandonment can be on-going and can occur in the home or in a care center.
The victim may be left at a hospital/nursing home, or a public location. It can even be as simple as leaving the elderly person in his/her own room without basic care.
Abandonment can be fatal. Seniors have died after being left for extended periods of time. An elderly person might suffer health effects from being left to fend for his/herself and missing medications and/or nourishment.
Abandonment could turn into a missing person case if the senior becomes confused and wanders off. Individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of cognitive decline are increasingly at risk. A shorter-term abandonment (such as leaving a senior in a parked car) could turn fatal.
Unfortunately, many incidents go unreported.
Spotting Elder Abandonment
An elderly person who is alone and who appears confused, lost, or frightened may be abandoned. Other signs could include the person looking frail, appearing lonely or depressed, malnourishment, dehydration, and poor hygiene.
If you worry that you are imposing or being rude by approaching a possible victim, call a police officer, or a park ranger, or a social worker.
If your loved one has been the victim of elder abandonment and has sustained serious injuries, he/she may be entitled to monetary compensation and restitution for all losses, including payment of medical bills, future treatment and care, pain and suffering.
Call us immediately for a free case evaluation. If we are unable to help, we will do our best to refer you to other local resources that can.